I decided to interview the kids to get capture their personalities. Ruth is 5, Will is 3.5 and Claire is 19 months. Just as a side note, some of these answers are quite questionable, but were more based on things that had occurred on this specific day, i.e. playing Mario, being a firefighter, liking vegetables.
Favorite food: chicken and rice with green beans and pineapple
Favorite color: pink
Favorite toy: Merida doll
Favorite family activity: singing "Jesus said Love Everyone"
What do you want to be when you grow up: firefighter
What is your favorite thing to do: go to church and sing songs in primary
What does Will like? play games
What does Claire like? when I make her laugh
What does Dad like? to play Mario
What does Mom like? to learn Poruguese on your tab
What is Dad's job? He goes to the hotel and earns us money
What is Mom's job? to keep the house clean and tell us what to do
Where is your favorite place to go? the park because it's good exercise
Other things Ruth loves: Rodrigo y Gabriella music, writing, story telling and imagining things, riding her scooter and doing the monkey bars. She does not like getting bloody noses or when wrestling gets too rough.
Favorite food: vegetables
Favorite color: orange
Favorite toy: dinosaurs
Favorite family activity: doing crafts
What do you want to do when you grow up? do a nice job fighting
What is your favorite thing to do? play
What does Ruth like? waffles
What does Claire like? candy
What does mom like? her phone
What does dad like? his tab
What is Dad's job? he goes to the Red Lion hotel to do his business
What is Mom's job? she takes care of us
Where is your favorite place to go? gymnastics class
Other things Will likes: changing his clothes 4 times a day, teasing Claire, his Iron Man figure (and all superheroes), anything with sugar, spiky hair and "We Will Rock You" especially where it says "mud on your face." Will does not like wet undies, sissy girly music, being forced to learn anything and earaches.

CLAIRE: was unable to answer these questions due to a lack of vocabulary, however I will attempt to capture her personality. Claire loves fancy things especially dresses and painted finger nails. She loves to eat fruit especially blueberries and strawberries. She loves being involved in the older kids play and hates being left out and told no. She loves to sit and read books and has always loved going to the library; the first time i took her to the library she oohed and ahhed at all the books. Her most favorite thing right now are her baby dolls; she will not nap without them. She seriously loves juice and refuses to drink milk. She loves going places; if we say we are leaving she gets her boots on and stand at the garage door shouting "go!" She totally understand everything that happens and when asked questions she correctly answers, "yeah" and "no" based on how she's feeling.