June 28, 2011

Summer Time

My super boy! (moving at super speed these days)

I made this cape from an old shirt, so easy.

My super tan girly-girl.

June 24, 2011

What We're Doin'

Yesterday we went to the circus! It was tons of fun aside from being 95 blazin' degrees outside which caused grumpy kids. Luckily they started with tigers and that helped distract the kids from the heat. Ruth especially loved the flying trapeze guys. Will loved the magic act, which was really just this girl that changed her dress 10 times and it only took her 2 seconds to change each time. It was cool. (today Ruth was wanting to re-enact the "changing dress girl" routine.) And we all loved the motorcycles in the ball act.

This is them in their cool new chairs eating gingersnaps (homemade) and milk. Today Ruth got her bunny, that she calls "Mother," and was putting her in the chairs.

(Last week we had rain and cold weather, thus the long sleeves and sweats.)

We've also been eating lunch at the park almost every day along with swinging and digging in the sand. I'm also happy to report that I have successfully planted flowers and kept them alive for more than a month. They continue to bloom and look great!

Today we learned that Ruth likes salmon. She also loves to push Will on the tire swing. Will loves to do pretty much everything Ruth does. He gets very jealous if she is given something and he doesn't get one too.

And in final news, Ruth is now completely diaper free (no more night time diapers) and binky free!!!! That one took some convincing, especially since brother still gets a night time binky, but we finally won!

June 7, 2011

Ruth and Will's Favorites

Today Ruth told me that she wanted the mail man to bring her a fish for her birthday! Her favorite toy recently have been the wood blocks, she builds elaborate towers and then tells Will to knock them over. She still loves reading and has several of her books memorized and looks forward to our weekly trips to the library. Most recently she has taken an interest in the time; she'll often ask what time it is or tell me that we'll do something at a certain time. She is also cultivating an "interesting" fashion sense, this is mild compared to past outfits.

Will can now say mom, dad, cat, dog and WOW. And he understands those words plus sister, nose, truck, bird, and book...and I'm sure there are others I'm unaware of. He's becoming such a boy! He is fascinated by big trucks, loves playing with toy cars, and spends lots of time in the sand box everyday. He is also so over being fed. He loves to eat but wants to do it all himself. His new favorite is bacon, so manly of him!

We went to the Western Days parade on Saturday and he LOVED all the fire trucks, horses, classic cars and music. Ruth could have cared less about the parade until this year. But this year she enjoyed the horses, cheerleaders and music.

June 3, 2011

This Week We . . .

Picnic in the park...I mean our backyard! We have LOVED our backyard this year. Mostly thanks to Brad who has been constructing the coolest toys for us!
We watched Shirlaine's kids while they painted their house. We all had a great time.

This last weekend Uncle Matt (my brother) stopped by on his way back to Utah. Ruth LOVED her Uncle Matt and wanted to spend every waking second playing with him.
The dog is not Matt's. This dog just walked into our house on Saturday. No collar. Then Monday she took off again.