November 28, 2010
My parents came into town Wednesday night and we had so much fun together. We made the usual spread on Thursday and decorated the house on Friday. Here are some snapshots of the weekend. More family photos are to come when I get them from my dad. The first two are of the kids in their new outfits from the grandparents.

Mom and I worked on these on Saturday, it was SUPER fun. They are made from tin cans, hot glue and felt. The beards are from batting, plus some buttons, googly eyes and that fuzzy wire stuff for the antlers. Oh, and Santa's head is a styro-foam ball and their noses are pom-poms.

November 24, 2010
Good One Ruth
Three stories about Ruth:
Two weeks ago I woke up (in the middle of the night) to hear Ruth crying. She wasn't in her room, so I wandered around the house looking for her. I soon found her climbing up the stairs from the basement. When I sat down on the stairs and asked her what was wrong she looked at me and said, "Watch cartoons!" She and daddy have obviously been watching a lot of cartoons down in the basement and she woke up wanting some more daddy time, it seems. She always asks to watch Pingu, a British claymation show.
Recently, Ruth has not been wanting to stay in her bed once bedtime comes around. We end up putting her back in bed tons of times. Last night, Brad decided to put up the baby gate, so when she opened the door she still wouldn't be able to walk out of her room. Well we were sitting in the kitchen talking and suddenly Ruth shows up. We should have known better since she is such a climber!
This morning she came to me and said, "Car, shopping." She remembered that I told her yesterday that we would go last minute shopping today.
I feel like I can hardly keep up with her these days.
Two weeks ago I woke up (in the middle of the night) to hear Ruth crying. She wasn't in her room, so I wandered around the house looking for her. I soon found her climbing up the stairs from the basement. When I sat down on the stairs and asked her what was wrong she looked at me and said, "Watch cartoons!" She and daddy have obviously been watching a lot of cartoons down in the basement and she woke up wanting some more daddy time, it seems. She always asks to watch Pingu, a British claymation show.
Recently, Ruth has not been wanting to stay in her bed once bedtime comes around. We end up putting her back in bed tons of times. Last night, Brad decided to put up the baby gate, so when she opened the door she still wouldn't be able to walk out of her room. Well we were sitting in the kitchen talking and suddenly Ruth shows up. We should have known better since she is such a climber!
This morning she came to me and said, "Car, shopping." She remembered that I told her yesterday that we would go last minute shopping today.
I feel like I can hardly keep up with her these days.
November 22, 2010
We're going private. I know it's a hassle, but it's for the kids. I was looking at my stats and saw that some of the "traffic" came from a google image search and it was one of Ruth sitting on the potty. While it's okay for friends and family to see that it just makes me squirm to think anyone else can see the intimate details of our life. So...send me an email (laws by {my full first name} at gmail . com...obviously no spaces) or leave a comment if you want to still read our blog. If I have emailed you I already have your address and will add it automatically.
Little Buddy
November 20, 2010
November 19, 2010
She's 2 and He's 6 months!
First of all, she got two cakes. The recipe I had made two 9" round cakes so I thought that was good because in case I messed the first butterfly cake up, I could start over...I had a back-up. Luckily, the first cake went well. So then I used the second cake as her candle cake and made a caramel frosting to go ontop, yum. I was surprised how easy it was to make cake...and frosting...these were my first cakes from scratch.
You may be wondering why there are a bazillion candles on the cake, it's an "R." And this is what I did to the round cake to make a butterfly:

And this is the butterfly cake, decorated with pink buttercream frosting, jelly beans and skittles. On the side I used watermelon licorice-like stuff.

When it came time to finally eating her cake, she only wanted to pick the candy off with her fork. She refused to eat any of the cake...hmm.
We called up a bunch of friends and met them all at Hop 2 It. It was the first time we'd been and Ruth spent the first 45 minutes screaming about how cool everything was. We ran around and jumped for 2 hours, it was a blast!

She got a kitten and a big wheel type car for her b-day from us. Along with books and coloring/crafting equipment from friends and grandparents.

We've decided to call the cat Makutsi, after a character in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.
This is Ruth as a bunny, jumping on our mini-tramp:

Now about Will: He weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and is 26 inches long, both 50%. As you can see, his eyes are still a greyish blue color and he has his two front bottom teeth.

He's still not sleeping through the whole night but other than that there are no complaints. He's such an easy baby, loves to be tickled and gives giggles generously. He is patient when Ruth decides to sit on him and he loves his veggies. He is also very interested in Makutsi (the kitten). He loves when she jumps up on his lamp so he can feel her fur.
And this is the butterfly cake, decorated with pink buttercream frosting, jelly beans and skittles. On the side I used watermelon licorice-like stuff.
When it came time to finally eating her cake, she only wanted to pick the candy off with her fork. She refused to eat any of the cake...hmm.
We called up a bunch of friends and met them all at Hop 2 It. It was the first time we'd been and Ruth spent the first 45 minutes screaming about how cool everything was. We ran around and jumped for 2 hours, it was a blast!
This is Ruth as a bunny, jumping on our mini-tramp:
Now about Will: He weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and is 26 inches long, both 50%. As you can see, his eyes are still a greyish blue color and he has his two front bottom teeth.
He rolls everywhere and loves to smile.
He grabs for everything. If you've ever seen Dora the Explorer you'll understand why I always want to say, "Swiper, no Swiping!" He's dang fast too.
And he can sit up without support for several minutes.
November 9, 2010
November 5, 2010
Because I feel like it
I've been grumpy today for no good reason. We even bought some new Christmas decorations for the house. I guess I'm grumpy now because I want to bust out all the decorations, light some candles and listen to Christmas music...soon enough.
These are butterfly pancakes. Ruth wouldn't eat them but she was sure excited to look at them. We'll see what she does with her b-day cake (it's gonna be a butterfly cake).
We let Ruth watch the grizzly bear video below and for days she's been talking about how the monster fell down. She was really worried about it. Sad but funny at the same time.

Will is now a champion roller. I walk out of the room for two seconds and when I come back he's on the other side of the room, facing a different direction and on his back instead of his stomach. It was pretty disconcerting at first. I actually scolded Ruth a couple times about not moving her brother around! oops. He's also working on sitting and does it pretty well on his own. He LOVES to play with his baby toys and stays happy for much longer now that he can shake and chew on them by himself. He'll be 6 months in less than 2 weeks and I can hardly believe it!
We let Ruth watch the grizzly bear video below and for days she's been talking about how the monster fell down. She was really worried about it. Sad but funny at the same time.
Will is now a champion roller. I walk out of the room for two seconds and when I come back he's on the other side of the room, facing a different direction and on his back instead of his stomach. It was pretty disconcerting at first. I actually scolded Ruth a couple times about not moving her brother around! oops. He's also working on sitting and does it pretty well on his own. He LOVES to play with his baby toys and stays happy for much longer now that he can shake and chew on them by himself. He'll be 6 months in less than 2 weeks and I can hardly believe it!
November 1, 2010
I come back to these often
This probably took forever to make. The effort alone deserves attention. The end result is beautiful.
I know of no band that has made three drummers and one guitar sound so good. mesmerizing:
Great Song, Great video. I praise Texas for the good music it produces: