June 30, 2010
Sore Muscles
So I worked out yesterday for the first time postpartum...yikes. I did a video called "Boot Camp Training." It involved different styles of push ups, ab work outs mixed in with cardio stuff. By the end of the day my arms started to hurt but this morning I woke up and thought i was going to die! My arms kill and so do my abs. Today I did a video called "Dance Off the Inches." The thing I like about both of these is that it makes working out fun...because I hate to run. I've actually been thinking about going down to the basement to do the dance video again because I liked it so much! So yay for step two in my weight loss plan. I also have a walking buddy, Shirlaine. We're going to go walking occasionally with our double strollers. Hooray, huzzah!
June 26, 2010
Butterfly and Argentina
June 21, 2010
The Last Week

The last week was pretty crazy. Joe, Meg and Brynn stopped by on their way back from their trip to Utah. We were so happy to see them. We had a great couple days being outside, playing at several parks, throwing a frisbee around and picnic-ing...and yes, we brought the doggie along for all the fun.

Brad, Ruth and the dog

My sassy girl
Megan with Ruth and Brynn on the steepest child's slide I've ever seen
They ended up leaving early because I got a fever and had to go to the doctor. I had a weird list of symptoms so it took a long time and several tests and exams to figure out what was wrong with me. After they had done so they needed to get me a shot of the antibiotics I needed to start. I got the shot in the leg and was told to walk around the room to get the medicine moving through my body. As soon as I stood up I got super dizzy and my I couldn't hear anything...like I was underwater. I told the nurse what was happening and she took my blood pressure right away. It took her several tries to be able to get it. She said that my blood pressure had plummeted. Anyways, that was kinda freaky.
Oh, the one good thing that came out of going to the doctor was that I had to get weighed! With my big old sweats and sneakers on I weighed 205...which is 15 pounds less than what I was after having Will!!! So I'm down 15 pounds and have 45 more to go. 45 pounds seems like such a more do-able number than 60...woo-hoo!
Father's Day was uneventful, we went to church, took the dog for a walk and skyped with my parents.
June 12, 2010
World Cup Anyone?
I am a self-proclaimed "non-sport" person, especially when it comes to watching sports on TV. But four years ago, just after marrying my man, I was introduced to what the rest of the world knows as the FIFA World Cup. This is an amazing event that only happens every four years where the best players from around the world compete for the ultimate soccer trophy. And now I am addicted. The England V USA game today was awesome. But I feel very, bad for Green, England's goalie.
This poor guy let the USA's ball through today. He totally had it (it was practically kicked right to him) and he let it go and it rolled into the goal. Basically, everyone in England hates his guts now.
June 9, 2010
What's Up
I have neglected to write about all the amazing things Brad has done to our house. Here is photo evidence of one of his projects:
BEFORE: this is a picture we took one of the first times we saw the house, notice the weird closet in the back corner. (we also removed the wallpaper border and painted the walls white.)

AFTER: the closet now goes all the way to the ceiling and has awesome shelves and new trim. I got to pick the paint color. The big shelf that has diapers sitting on it is now used as a changing table for the kiddos it's the perfect height so I don't have to bend over at all. (Thanks to Brian for the idea and Nate for getting the ball rolling!)
Brad also has done a lot of plumbing work so we could get water and ice from our fridge and so that our basement wouldn't flood every time we did laundry or took a shower. He has also replaced all the switches and plugs so that instead of being tan they're white as well as installed ceiling fans in our room and in the living room. And most recently he has sawed off several branches of the tree in front that were threatening the well-being of our roof. That's all I can think of for now.
Here are some pics of what's been up.
Will chilling in the swing, he is getting very chubby!
The diet is going well, and I am continually pleased with how well Ruth has taken to new foods, especially veggies. Last night she gobbled up her cooked carrots and whole wheat pasta! As far as new foods that I've made and really liked they include: sauteed zucchini, steamed carrots, (both of which had no butter and only a TINY bit of salt, but a good dash of pepper) and a combo of equal parts Grape Nuts and apple juice that are heated in the microwave for 45 seconds...so good!
BEFORE: this is a picture we took one of the first times we saw the house, notice the weird closet in the back corner. (we also removed the wallpaper border and painted the walls white.)
AFTER: the closet now goes all the way to the ceiling and has awesome shelves and new trim. I got to pick the paint color. The big shelf that has diapers sitting on it is now used as a changing table for the kiddos it's the perfect height so I don't have to bend over at all. (Thanks to Brian for the idea and Nate for getting the ball rolling!)
Will chilling in the swing, he is getting very chubby!
June 5, 2010
Surprise, Surprise, Puppy Surprise
Meet Queen Boudicca. She was born on March 17th so we thought naming her after a great Celtic Queen was fitting. We weren't planning on getting a pooch today, but as we were running around town it just ending up happening. We've been talking about getting a pet for months, and we talked to her owners for an hour to learn all about her and how to take care of her. She's a pure bred black Labrador which is one of the most popular dogs to own because they're so good with kids and easy to train. She's a sweet girl and we're super glad to have her join our family. I call her Buda for short. I'm so excited that we have a dog that can grow up with our kids. She's just two months older than Will.
June 4, 2010
My parents came out from Oregon this last week to meet Will and play with us. Here are pictures from our adventures.
Bill Knopp gave us a tour into the canyon, it was gorgeous. Ruth didn't want to share the pear with the ponies. This next picture is of Brad and Ruth in the ancient saunas that people used.

Many of these pictures were taken by my dad, you can see all of them at Lentsphotography.com
So today was day two of "the diet." Yesterday went well, except for the 6 Oreos I ate...they were just sitting on the kitchen table and just before dinner I finally gave in. Today was a funny day and I didn't end up following "the diet" but I still ate healthy food and didn't add butter or mayo or sugar to the stuff I ate (and boy is that hard when you're trying to eat a bowl of wheaties with no sugar). I am the happiest about Ruth's progress; she now eats SPINACH and BLUEBERRIES! I couldn't even get her to eat strawberries a week ago and now she's eating whole wheat bread too! This is huge progress for the little sweetie.
Also, she now sports pig tails. I was thrilled today when I thought of trying them out and it worked. I also cut a few bangs in front which look adorable.
At her 18 month appointment yesterday she weighed in at 22 pounds (25%) and and I don't know how long but it was in the 50%. Other than still not saying many "real" words she is ahead in development and very healthy. She has started to say "daddy" and "drink" and can say "ball." But other than those all her babbling and singing is still nonsense...and funny. The other day she was telling us jokes in the car; she would start to talk, pause, and then chuckle at herself and then do it over and over. She is very good at running, loves to be outside still, and likes to hold Will and burp him.

And the last bit of news is that we officially have a pet. His name is Jeff, see:
Ruth playing around with Grandpa
Me and Will hiking to see a waterfall in the south hills.
Ruth enjoying the windy hilltops

So today was day two of "the diet." Yesterday went well, except for the 6 Oreos I ate...they were just sitting on the kitchen table and just before dinner I finally gave in. Today was a funny day and I didn't end up following "the diet" but I still ate healthy food and didn't add butter or mayo or sugar to the stuff I ate (and boy is that hard when you're trying to eat a bowl of wheaties with no sugar). I am the happiest about Ruth's progress; she now eats SPINACH and BLUEBERRIES! I couldn't even get her to eat strawberries a week ago and now she's eating whole wheat bread too! This is huge progress for the little sweetie.
Also, she now sports pig tails. I was thrilled today when I thought of trying them out and it worked. I also cut a few bangs in front which look adorable.
And the last bit of news is that we officially have a pet. His name is Jeff, see: