This cartoon just reminds me of my current predicament with not being able to work on the house...which is why I'm blogging while Ruth naps instead of running errands, hehe.
April 26, 2010
The Doc Says...
I'm 50% effaced and it's likely I could "go" in the next two weeks. Brian joked (he's here helping get the house painted etc.) that he'd be watching Ruth while Brad and I were at the hospital. I officially have 30 days left. He's also dropped down into my pelvis which has turned me into a very large duck...I don't like waddling. Also, I did not gain a single pound in the last month while we were away...hahaha!
This cartoon just reminds me of my current predicament with not being able to work on the house...which is why I'm blogging while Ruth naps instead of running errands, hehe.

This cartoon just reminds me of my current predicament with not being able to work on the house...which is why I'm blogging while Ruth naps instead of running errands, hehe.
April 25, 2010
The End of Our Trip
Two highlights from the last week or so were going shopping with grandma and going to the park with Tia and the kids. This was such a fun playground, the kids call it the "Castle Park." Brad got to come too, which meant fun photos with Ruth...

Ben was really cute about sharing this cool swing with Ruth. He put his arms around her to help keep her in and they swung all snuggled in together for at least 10 minutes.

Can you guess who took the next two pictures?
Ruth loved to climb up onto this chair (which belonged to great grandpa Larz Nelson), I was surprised she could do it by herself
Ruth giving grandma's bunny hugs
Can you guess who took the next two pictures?
April 15, 2010
For the last week I have craved sprouts so badly. I can literally taste and smell them throughout my day. Luckily I've been able to eat a turkey sandwich, piled high with sprouts and covered in bell peppers all on sourdough bread, at least once a day, everyday this last week. yum. Right before Ruth was born I craved canned soup with all the veggies and beef chunks in it...I was eating that at least twice a day for several weeks! Other cravings this pregnancy have included broccoli, potatoes, and peanut butter.
April 14, 2010
Since being in Santa Fe, we've been staying with Brad's parents, Paula and Asa. It has been so nice to "move" into their house for the past couple of weeks, especially seeing that the other option would be living in a hotel, yuck.

Ruth has had a bit of a hard time getting used to their house and having other people around all day...and learning how to interact with other kids, especially older kids. We've discovered that she is certainly not a wilting flower, if other kids try to tell her "no" or take stuff from her or push her around she pushes right back! She also does this other thing, I think she's trying to be intimidating, she claps her hands and kinda growl/shouts. It was pretty funny the first couple times, but now I just want her to be nice and to get along with others.
We've spent a good amount of time with Brian and Tia and their kids Lydia and Ben while we've been here because they live about a mile from Paula and Asa. That has been great fun, but has also been a lot of the reason Ruth has learned the growl-shout-clap your hands routine.

Luckily she's also learned some other cool tricks from Lydia and Ben. The first being how to make her car go, as seen above. She's also become much more of a climber.

She likes to climb up on their benches and chairs and can even climb onto grandma's couches. The same day she learned to scoot on the car she learned that other things scoot too.
We very much have enjoyed our time with our family here and appreciate their generosity. We're also very anxious to get back to Idaho and get settled into our house. We only have six weeks until our baby boy comes and we only have until the last day of April to get moved out of our apartment...and get it cleaned. I'm obviously feeling anxious about all that because last night I was having all these crazy dreams about cleaning apartments, except all my old roommates where there, not Brad, and I was back in's funny how your brain interprets things when you're sleeping.
Ruth has had a bit of a hard time getting used to their house and having other people around all day...and learning how to interact with other kids, especially older kids. We've discovered that she is certainly not a wilting flower, if other kids try to tell her "no" or take stuff from her or push her around she pushes right back! She also does this other thing, I think she's trying to be intimidating, she claps her hands and kinda growl/shouts. It was pretty funny the first couple times, but now I just want her to be nice and to get along with others.
We've spent a good amount of time with Brian and Tia and their kids Lydia and Ben while we've been here because they live about a mile from Paula and Asa. That has been great fun, but has also been a lot of the reason Ruth has learned the growl-shout-clap your hands routine.
Luckily she's also learned some other cool tricks from Lydia and Ben. The first being how to make her car go, as seen above. She's also become much more of a climber.
She likes to climb up on their benches and chairs and can even climb onto grandma's couches. The same day she learned to scoot on the car she learned that other things scoot too.
We very much have enjoyed our time with our family here and appreciate their generosity. We're also very anxious to get back to Idaho and get settled into our house. We only have six weeks until our baby boy comes and we only have until the last day of April to get moved out of our apartment...and get it cleaned. I'm obviously feeling anxious about all that because last night I was having all these crazy dreams about cleaning apartments, except all my old roommates where there, not Brad, and I was back in's funny how your brain interprets things when you're sleeping.
April 13, 2010
Easter/Family Reunion/My B-day
Here are pictures from our little family reunion in Santa Fe over Easter weekend. The pictures are in no particular order. We were all able to miraculously come together for the weekend, including grandma and grandpa Nelson. It was really fun to see everybody again and just hang out over conference weekend. Funny side note, pretty much everyone got way sick either at the end of the reunion or the following few days...which reminded us of a line from Nacho Libre, "I've had diarrhea since Easters."
The guys minus Asa and Nate

Grandpa Nelson dying eggs with Morgan, Lydia and Joey
Asa and I blowing out our candles Monday night for our b-days (we were both born April 5th)

The family pic...stay tuned for the Laws family rendition of "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man."

Morgan and Lydia in their adorable Easter dresses

Ladies' Night Out, we went to La Casa Sena where all the waiters are singers. I hadn't been there since Brad and I were engaged...4 years ago and it was way fun. I requested them to sing "There is Nothing Like a Dame," aside from just being a great song it seemed fitting since it was our night out! They weren't going to do it because only 2 guys were working that night...but then randomly another waiter came in on his night off so they did it for us!!!! What luck.

All the ladies again, minus the small ones.

Ashley with Ruth and Aubrey. Ruth was really great with her and liked to touch her little hands and point to her nose. Yay!

Ruth prancing around in her tutu sent from grandma Lents!

Probably the last family photo before the little guy arrives. Wow this mama is BIG.

The Easter Bunny I created from grandma Nelson's cheese dip.
Me with the Easter Bunny. The kids were kinda confused about eating the Easter Bunny.

The guys minus Asa and Nate
Grandpa Nelson dying eggs with Morgan, Lydia and Joey
Asa and I blowing out our candles Monday night for our b-days (we were both born April 5th)
The family pic...stay tuned for the Laws family rendition of "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man."
Morgan and Lydia in their adorable Easter dresses
Ladies' Night Out, we went to La Casa Sena where all the waiters are singers. I hadn't been there since Brad and I were engaged...4 years ago and it was way fun. I requested them to sing "There is Nothing Like a Dame," aside from just being a great song it seemed fitting since it was our night out! They weren't going to do it because only 2 guys were working that night...but then randomly another waiter came in on his night off so they did it for us!!!! What luck.
All the ladies again, minus the small ones.
Ashley with Ruth and Aubrey. Ruth was really great with her and liked to touch her little hands and point to her nose. Yay!
Ruth prancing around in her tutu sent from grandma Lents!
Probably the last family photo before the little guy arrives. Wow this mama is BIG.
The Easter Bunny I created from grandma Nelson's cheese dip.