Before the real insanity began yesterday, Ruth and I spent time goofing around...and it turned into a fun photo shoot.
Once we closed on the house our amazing Realtor gave us our key and we went immediately to the house to begin the wall-paper demolition...and trash pick up and deep cleaning.
Somehow in three hours yesterday we were able to get all of this stuff including a disgusting range and vending machine full of pistachios moved out to the garage!
And not only that; we began tearing down wall paper (imagine navy blue plaid on the lower half of the wall topped by a border with was ugly) AND we were able to clean the kitchen floor so that it was sanitary for Ruth to play on (imagine a giant kitty litter box that used to sit in the middle of the kitchen/dining room that was so full that the cat started using the floor instead of the box). Obviously, me being pregnant, Brad took care of the kitchen while I started preparing that hideola wall paper.
Today we spent 7 hours at the house working away. We continued to work on that stubborn wall paper and we got the carpet torn out!!!
I felt bad for the guy who came to do it, he was at least 60 years old. And with the amount of stains and nastiness that was in that carpet it had to have weighed a ton as he hefted it up the stairs from the basement and from the back of the house. Poor guy. I was able to clean up the walls, doors, counters and window frames in the kitchen and living room...which took a ton of scrubbing. I couldn't figure out how they had gotten brown streaky stains on the top of their doors. Brad changed the locks to the house and scrubbed the heck out of that wall paper. And Ruth even took a nap in one of the bedrooms in her pack-n-play!
We are all completely worn out. Tomorrow we hope to finish up the wall-paper removal, apply KILZ to the floors, and maybe paint the three upstairs bedrooms. But Brad has to do work at the office tomorrow and we have errands we have to run before we leave town on Saturday. We're going to Santa Fe so Brad can help run the hotel his company has down there after the current employees leave. Luckily, Ruth and I get to come along and hang out with the fam while we're there. We're expecting to be there for a month and it would have been really rough on us if we didn't all get to go. We'll be back the last week of April to finish up the work on our house and get moved in before we have to be out of our apartment. I'll also still have about 4 weeks left of pregnancy when we get back so everything should work out perfectly.