Winter is upon us...IT'S FREEZING HERE! The high has been 38 degrees, but then the wind has also been between 20 and 45 mph so it feels like it's in the low 20's. It's ridiculous! I made Ruth some booties to help keep her warm because she won't keep socks on for the life of me. I found the idea of how to make them HERE, but then turned them inside out so that the seams were on the inside. I also added elastic and folded the top over so that hopefully she'll keep them on her feet. It was super easy and only took about an hour to cut and sew. I used two layers of pink and white striped flannel for each side of the bootie so that they'll be extra warm, and then two layers of pink flannel for the sole. They don't look super cute in the picture but are cute on her tootsies.
October 30, 2009
Winter is upon us...IT'S FREEZING HERE! The high has been 38 degrees, but then the wind has also been between 20 and 45 mph so it feels like it's in the low 20's. It's ridiculous! I made Ruth some booties to help keep her warm because she won't keep socks on for the life of me. I found the idea of how to make them HERE, but then turned them inside out so that the seams were on the inside. I also added elastic and folded the top over so that hopefully she'll keep them on her feet. It was super easy and only took about an hour to cut and sew. I used two layers of pink and white striped flannel for each side of the bootie so that they'll be extra warm, and then two layers of pink flannel for the sole. They don't look super cute in the picture but are cute on her tootsies.
October 29, 2009
Cute Story Baby
This morning when I went in to get Ruth up, she was standing up in her crib as usual. I reached my arms towards her to pick her up and she started to lift her arms to reach me...then suddenly she looked down into the crib and dove back down. At first I thought this was very strange, she's usually so excited to get up and eat and play. But as she re-emerged I understood, she had to go back for her Homba! She couldn't just leave the little guy in the crib, by himself! Once she'd snagged her buddy she happily jumped back up and was ready for the day. This girl is so cute, the things she does just cracks me up! Above is a picture with her buddy the baby fox, also known as her Homba.
I also just have to include some other pictures of her.
Her new winter hat:
And her Halloween costume:
Our apartment complex had a little Halloween party tonight, so Ruth and I went down to get some treats. She was a hit with everyone. I love this picture because it looks like she's doing a plie (sp?). If you can't tell she's a fairy. I made this costume for her several weeks ago, it's a onesie, a pair of tights, a bolero jacket made from one of her old receiving blankets and a bunch of sparkly fabric for the skirt and wings. And you can't really see her hair in this picture but it's in a cute little bun on the top of her head!
October 25, 2009
October 18, 2009
2nd Annual Dirty Viggo Fest
October 16, 2009
A Week in Review
Flu shots (Ruth was a total champ), dental appointments, Brad met with his boss again, Relief Society Super Saturday (which was tons of fun), Ruth is growing two molars, I finished my quilt, and taught a cooking class last night.
These two are crafts we did in the afternoon at Super Saturday:

I know the quilt looks crooked, that's only because I was falling off the couch trying to get a picture of the whole thing!

This is the edge of the quilt:

This is the back side of the quilt. Since the front squares are all birdhouses I thought it would be cute to back it with bird fabric.
These two are crafts we did in the afternoon at Super Saturday:
I know the quilt looks crooked, that's only because I was falling off the couch trying to get a picture of the whole thing!
This is the edge of the quilt:
This is the back side of the quilt. Since the front squares are all birdhouses I thought it would be cute to back it with bird fabric.
October 5, 2009
Quilting and conference
So, yesterday was conference (Elder Hollands talk/testimony was amazing) and I quilted the entire time; I started around 9 am and finished just after 10 pm all the while listening to conference. It was great. Brad set me up a little station in the living room so I didn't have to be banished in the back room. So now I'm completely done with my quilt squares. It's really weird that I'm all done with it! I still have to bind it all together and pick out backing fabric, but the hard work is done! I'm really happy with how it turned out, especially this last square with the pine tree.
October 3, 2009
I am on a quilting rampage. I finished another square a couple nights ago, and today during conference I cut out all the pieces for my last 3 squares! Woohoo!
This is the other thing I worked on this last week. I got the idea from some crafting blogs I was reading. It's called a "Busy Book" or a "Quiet Book." Lots of these other bloggers use them for Sacrament meeting and other times they want their kids quiet, but realize asking them to sit silently, still, with nothing to do is futile. Here are two of the blogs I got ideas from: craftingchicks as well as Quietbooks. I didn't do an amazingly professional job on these, but it was really easy, really fun, CHEAP ($7.50 total) and only took me one afternoon!
These animals are my favorite part of the whole thing. I just used googly eyes and small popsicle sticks and cut out fun animal shapes for the ark.