November 22, 2007
Katie's Adventure at Southland Elementary!
So my first day of being at a real school was on Halloween, 2007. It was wild. I dressed up as a waitress. Mo
st of the first graders didn't get my costume, they thought I was dressed up as a teacher. (Part of the confusion is because one of the kindergarten teachers wears an apron every day at school.) I have learned so much during my stay at Southland. One of the biggest things I've realized is that the personality of the teacher sets the mood for the classroom. Some of the classes I've been in I have just hated, but I realized it was mostly because the teacher was putting off a weird vibe that affected all of the kids. I have one more week after the Thanksgiving break and three more lessons to go. Overall my lessons have gone really well. I've been told by two of my observers that I am a "natural teacher" and that my lessons are really well prepared with good ideas. Everyone has been impressed with Liz and me. (Liz is the other cohort student, we carpool to the school and have the same mentor teacher so we're in the same class everyday, teaching and observing together.) Liz and I have also had a good time getting to know each other during our daily commute. It's been really nice to have someone to talk to on the way up and back each day about how my lessons went and different things that we notice in teachers and our new situation in general. The month of November has been wild because of this wonderful experience. I'm so excited to be done with school and start teaching! This picture is of me on my second day of school, notice I'm not wearing an apron.

Thanksgiving Day!
Today Brad and I had our own Thanksgiving meal. I made the turkey and green bean casserole, and Brad made the mashed potatoes and stuffing. It was a fantastic
meal, but a strange feeling to have so much food and only two bodies to feed. Of course after cooking for so long and eating such a fine meal we did what most feasters would do, we napped for 3 hours. We were lucky that after we got people checked out of the motel no one came in or out while we cooked, ate, or napped...lucky us! I've included a picture of us and the gang during our delicious meal!
In other exciting news, Brad has decided on a major and "graduate" program. Brad is now majoring in philosophy which will only take him 3 more semesters! YAHOO! After that we will be moving to Phoenix, Arizona so Brad can attend a mechanic school called UTI. It is the best mechanic school in the country and is very prestigious. Since we know that Brad will be done in a year and a half, we've also decided that I will do an internship. This is also really exciting because it will give me some really good experience as a teacher and refine those skills I've been practicing. Then after Brad and I graduate we'll move to AZ the summer of 2008. We are way excited and both feel really motivated about school and work.

In other exciting news, Brad has decided on a major and "graduate" program. Brad is now majoring in philosophy which will only take him 3 more semesters! YAHOO! After that we will be moving to Phoenix, Arizona so Brad can attend a mechanic school called UTI. It is the best mechanic school in the country and is very prestigious. Since we know that Brad will be done in a year and a half, we've also decided that I will do an internship. This is also really exciting because it will give me some really good experience as a teacher and refine those skills I've been practicing. Then after Brad and I graduate we'll move to AZ the summer of 2008. We are way excited and both feel really motivated about school and work.