Yesterday we went to the Kennecott Copper of the only man-made things visible from space. It is a massive open pit mine. It was pretty cool and we enjoyed ourselves while there. On the way home however, our car went POW! and started smoking. We managed to pull over and get out of the way. I believe the clutch is shot. We have to wait until Monday to see what will happen. We pulled the car home using a tow rope and Brian's SUV. This was much cheaper than a tow truck. This comes two days after a visit to the mechanic who proclaimed our car well cared for. Oh well. It really didn't ruin our day, and I am glad that it didn't happen on our way to Oregon.
July 29, 2007
Copper Mines and a Clutch's Demise
Yesterday we went to the Kennecott Copper of the only man-made things visible from space. It is a massive open pit mine. It was pretty cool and we enjoyed ourselves while there. On the way home however, our car went POW! and started smoking. We managed to pull over and get out of the way. I believe the clutch is shot. We have to wait until Monday to see what will happen. We pulled the car home using a tow rope and Brian's SUV. This was much cheaper than a tow truck. This comes two days after a visit to the mechanic who proclaimed our car well cared for. Oh well. It really didn't ruin our day, and I am glad that it didn't happen on our way to Oregon.
July 22, 2007
Rowling's Best Yet
I just finis
hed the new harry potter book. Katie and I went to a late night party to buy it. I stayed up all last night and got to chapter 25 before I stopped. Then today after church I finished it. All I can say is that it was awesome. The creativity that book shows is just phenomenal. I have to stay quiet while Katie reads now but I look forward to discussing it with her. For those of you who want to read it, Be exited. For those who don't care, I understand. Really though, What a great piece of children's literature. How awesome it is that Rowling has succeeded in helping children feel the desire to read a 759 page book. I am impressed. I don't mean to sound obsessed because I am not. I am simply on a good book high. In other good news Katie and I are now Motel managers and as a result no longer have to pay rent. The job is easy going and we get to move in to our new home on August the 1st. We just check people in and out and that's pretty much it. You can hear guests enter from the comfort of our living room and we get payed to wait for them plus, (as is mentioned above) NO RENT! We have much to look forward to.

July 14, 2007
Friday the 13th!
We had a wonderful date on Friday the 13th, and quite fitting considering the day. We went out with our dear friends, Brian and Katie Wall, and our dear relatives, Brian and Tia, to Brazillian food. And then...for the holiday mood we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was fabulous, and we consider it to be the best movie by far. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and returned home happily from our date.