October 5, 2009

Quilting and conference

So, yesterday was conference (Elder Hollands talk/testimony was amazing) and I quilted the entire time; I started around 9 am and finished just after 10 pm all the while listening to conference. It was great. Brad set me up a little station in the living room so I didn't have to be banished in the back room. So now I'm completely done with my quilt squares. It's really weird that I'm all done with it! I still have to bind it all together and pick out backing fabric, but the hard work is done! I'm really happy with how it turned out, especially this last square with the pine tree.

And this is a cute picture of Ruth and Kase this last Friday at the playgroup!In other news concerning yesterday...it snowed! I woke up, casually looked out the window and couldn't believe my eyes...it was snowing! It ended up snowing pretty much all day. This video is Ruth's reaction...

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