July 27, 2012


We are so blessed. I realized today that I spend way too much time stressing out about stuff and not focusing on how blessed we are. Especially since the stuff I stress out about always ends up being fine, and was totally not stress-worthy material. Brad has an amazing job that makes it so we can be SO comfortable/debt free/large savings. We are all HEALTHY! We have a comfortable, clean home that has tons of space to run around and play inside and out. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to help us feel comfort now and peace later. Baby sleeps 7 hours nearly every night! My kids have at least1 hour of quiet time everyday, which means I do too! We have two vehicles so I can take the kids where I want when I want without having to plan ahead. We live 4 blocks from Smith's, so when I forget stuff for dinner I can quickly and easily get what I need. Our dog doesn't have accidents in the house any more. Claire hardly spits up anymore now that I don't eat dairy. We have ceiling fans AND air conditioning. We live 5 miles from an awesome lake that the kids love to visit. Netflix has workout videos on instant watch. I have a new laptop that's all my own. Ruth and Will play amazingly well together practically all day long. Ruth has become an AWESOME helper, especially when it comes to cleaning up toys/her room.

Stuff that has been bugging me that I'm trying to relax about:
Our grass in the front is dying and watering doesn't make it look better
I have to make 2 payments to the hospital for Claire instead of paying it all upfront
I don't weigh 160 pounds yet and I'm struggling to figure out when I can workout everyday since Claire doesn't have a set nap schedule during the day yet. I'd do it in the evenings, except she always gets super fussy until 10 or 11 when she finally falls asleep for the night.

Looking at these things, I kind of laugh about how not important they are, especially in comparison to all the amazing blessings in our lives. My life is easy and comfortable and I need to learn to relax and appreciate what I have.