July 8, 2011


Today Ruth was astonished when she learned that food goes into your belly. At first she was incredulous and thought I was pulling her leg! Now she is constantly asking what goes into her belly, i.e. "Does water go in my belly? Does juice go in my belly? Does the fridge go in my belly?"

Today Will started making animal sounds. He knows that cows "moo" and cats "meow" and it's adorable to listen to him. He also adores sign language and now knows the sign for "food."

Today, while Brad was at work, we walked to the grocery store and discovered a love for Lara Bars. Tomorrow I'm buying dried dates so I can attempt to make them at home. Yum!

Independence Day and such

We were given all of these! It was fun to make them all explode. Unfortunately Will got too cranky around 8:30 so he missed out on all the fun. It took 2 days to get Ruth back on a normal schedule, but she LOVED it. Her favorite part was climbing up our tree and onto the roof so she and dad could watch the big city fireworks.

Note the glow-in-the-dark bracelet she's sporting.

Earlier this week we went to the ice caves. We all had this idea in our heads about what it would be like based on a picture from the turn of the 20th century. The following picture demonstrates the best part of the ice caves:

Running through the sprinklers

I'm finally keeping flowers alive! We're all happy about that.