December 29, 2014


Ruth Will Claire
Color red orange green
Food salad Ice cream ice cream
Game trouble sorry duck duck goose
Toy skateboard, remote control helicopter TRex my baby
Show star wars and raccoons documentary star wars and incredibles bunnies
Ruth likes her helicopter fireworks
Will likes play outside toys
Claire likes balls kitties
Mom likes chocolate your tab your vacuum
Dad likes to ruin Christmas his hotel socks
Dad's job goes to work and runs numbers he does work all day at his hotel go to work to 'nother place
Moms job nurture us take care of kids and play with kids vacuum

Will and Claire have recently started playing together all the time, which has made Ruth pretty jealous. But Will's friend Boston prefers to play with Ruth because "she's pretty." Ruth has lots of friends at her classes at Alder Grove charter school, who all fawn over her when I pick her up and drop her off. She is also excelling in gymnastics and is learning new tricks every week in her hot shots class. Claire has been talking lots and sings all the time. Recently during a game of trouble she was singing "trouble is awesome." Will is a blossoming reader and is constantly telling me what two single digit numbers add up to. He is still totally in his dinosaur phase but loves legos almost as much.