September 30, 2016

Lydia came to stay for a week

 We had lots of fun while Lydia stayed with us! The kids went to awesome Nuclear Science classes together and we visited the aquarium, botanical gardens, the Balloon Museum and Explora! We also managed to do reading and math every single day! She was a super help around the house too, one day she volunteered to vacuum the play room!

September 22, 2016

Homeschoolers Hike

 We had joined a group of East Mountain Homeschoolers to hike up to a spring. It was a beautiful hike, and not too hot yet. It was a perfect day, even Soren had a good time.

September 19, 2016

Homeschool Classes

 We felt like it was really important for the kids to be involved in a lot more activities this school year. We've been a bit isolated out in the country and have really missed the little charter school from Eureka. We were blessed to find lots of activities for all the kids to participate in!

Sign Language with Paseo Homeschool Co-op

Nuclear Science Museum "Homeschool September"

Garden Club down in the south valley

YMCA PE classes

And here we are at the Explora science classes!

Fair and my hair

 I chopped my hair off because I was sick of long stringy hair. Now I miss my messy buns. We went to the state fair, it was hot. But we had a nice time together.

Highlights were: piglet races, (they were so cute!) free refills on delicious lemonade, the magic show (for me, Will and Claire) and rides for Brad and Ruth

We also decided it was time to do this, hooray!


Ruth and Will have both wanted to soccer for the past couple years (kinda like how they had begged me forever to do swim lessons and we finally did that this summer). Will is have a blast being with other boys...sometimes I forget he has two sisters and no brothers. As with all things that are new to him, it's taking him time to be comfortable getting in and attacking the ball. But he's only 6 and he's having fun and getting exercise.

 Ruth is so athletic that it is really fun to watch her work hard and succeed. Her first game she scored her teams only goal. The second game she scored 3 out of their 6 goals (within the first few minutes of the had to move her back to defense after her third goal so the other team would be demolished!). I also really like the other parents on Ruth's team, we have a great time chatting during practice and cheering for our girls during their games.

All three of the kids are participating in the homeschool YMCA PE program. I was so happy that they accepted pre-schoolers! Claire has been doing a good job following instructions and it is one more thing that is helping her grow up and not act so much like a baby. Will is again having a great time interacting with the other boys in this group. After the last class several boys chased Will down to say goodbye. Ruth enjoys this class, but is excited for her birthday so she can be in the class with the 8-12 year olds. I've also really enjoyed the moms from this group. Two in particular, Michelle and Sophia, have been so fun to chat with. We decided to go walking while the kids are in their class, so we walk and chat and it is so therapeutic for me to be with other homeschooling moms who are fun and quirky.

September 7, 2016

Labor Day with Uncle Matt

Friday we drove out to Tent Rocks (and we dragged Ben and Lydia with us while Brad helped Brian and Tia move). It got pretty hot by the time we were done but it was really fun to be out hiking. We popped by the lake before going back to Santa Fe. When we got there Matt and I took Tia with us to Los Amigos for the best steak and enchiladas.

We had an interesting conversation about Matt's relation to Ben and Lydia. They then dubbed him Uncle Mac and Cheese

Saturday we hiked Petroglyph National Monument and visited the botanical gardens (and the butterfly garden therein).

We found out you can't face swap with a Frankenstein petroglyph

Sunday we drove the Jemez trail and stopped at an old Pueblo. It was surprisingly beautiful with lots of red rocks and greenery from all the rain.