November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving Fun

 There was LOTS of baking! We played minute-to-win-it games...I've been wanting to do this for a really long time! We went to the BioPark and ate out at Tucanos. So.Much.Fun!

Brad and Joe making our feast. There was a HUGE mix up about who was prepping the turkey, so they had to run to the store 2 minutes before it closed to raid it for poultry. Luckily it still turned out delicious!

And, of course, we set up the tree.

November 19, 2016

Ruthie turns 8!

 On Ruth's birthday we went to sushi with Brad's parents and his brother's family. Then we came back to the house to eat those beautiful ice cream cakes she and I made. A week later she was baptised!
 Ruth with me and my older brother Joe

Ruth in the dress she was baptised in and with Brynne Lents, Joe's daughter

 Ruth with my parents

November 13, 2016

Rainy Day, Play Day, Race Day

It hailed really hard and Claire wanted to play in the mud. It made me happy to see her playing in her grow up way too fast.

 We have taken advantage of the beautiful fall weather and visited several of the parks nearby our new home. We also found a group of homeschoolers that meet regularly at a park with praying mantises.
 Apple taste-test, our favorites were Snap Dragon and Empire

Tia and I ran another 5K together. This was a blacklight run and was soooo fun. I ran my best time yet, cutting another minute and twenty seconds off my previous fastest time. I'm down to 35:05. The first 5k we ran together on my birthday I nearly died trying to run the entire thing and it took me over 42 minutes. It was really awesome to compare those two races and see how much I have improved!