December 31, 2010

Things I Learned This Year (not in any order)

*it's fun to own a house, but expensive too
*i LOVE having babies, going to the hospital, etc. it's so exciting
*twice the children = 1/2 the sleep
*losing weight is hard work but so worth it
*kids really do say the darndest things
*bruised gums are some of the nastiest and saddest things ever
*it's all a choice: have a life full of drama or being peaceful; being stressed out or relaxed. The key to helping in choosing peace and happiness is in the fundamentals of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
*it's not easy to change habits or to create good habits
*i like air popped popcorn
*every baby experiences the same developmental processes in different ways
*it's good to find joy in little things and to be easily entertained
*taking care of myself is really important, i can and should care for myself...which includes spending money on myself and doing things i like to do
*a mother's job is never finished
*a mother's job is summed up as caretaker
*vacationing is not really relaxing when you have little children with you (especially if you're nursing)
*i really like the Beatles, but not their early stuff
*forgiveness doesn't mean keeping your eyes closed, in fact you must have your eyes open so that you can forgive
*part of loving is forgiving as quickly as possible, like children do
*i like fried pickles
*eating with your hands is really fun
*i CAN bake

We have had a wonderful year. We have been immensely blessed and we see God's hand in our daily lives.