March 19, 2013

Color of the Week: ORANGE

Day one we played with gum drops and toothpicks and had an orange lunch of mac and cheese, goldfish, mandarin oranges, carrots and orange Emergen-C.

 Today we had a lunch of orange juice, cheese, orange bell pepper and cheese crackers with peanut butter.

Then we had 4 stations set up at the table:
 Orange envelopes and orange popsicle sticks

Sorting beads to find the orange ones

Playing with orange Easter eggs, buckets and beads

The last station was playing with an orange truck, not really picture worthy. I'm really happy to say that our color weeks are totally helping. Will can tell you when something is green or orange now! But the best part of all of these activities is that I'm growing. When I set up these activities I have very clear ideas about what should happen. Then the kids sit down and they don't play with the objects the way I'd envisioned. So I start to correct them...and then I see that what they've come up with is so much more creative than what I thought of. I need a lot more practice not being in control of every second. It's been such a joy to watch the kids explore and play and to start to control my control-freak ways.