October 31, 2014

Photo Shoot

October 27, 2014


 Will is Finn the Human from Adventure Time

 Claire is a pink kitty, 'cause she's really into animals...and pink

 Ruth is Flame Princess from Adventure Time

Our combined ward part was Friday and so much fun! The kids all LOVE their costumes which is nice. I felt like I had to make up for last year since we were mid-move and the kids didn't get to use the costumes I made. So this year we've been doing lots of Halloween crafts, skeleton/Halloween stuff for school, eating pumpkin flavored jack-o-lantern pancakes and watching Halloween shows.

And Claire just really loves waffles!

October 17, 2014

October 4, 2014

Yesterday, Claire walked in on me while in the bathroom and said, "Yucky, bleh, POO." I proceeded to tell her that she was welcome to leave. To which she responded, "I HELP you!" Clever little one, I just laughed. I do the exact same thing to her when I change her diapers!

October 3, 2014

The kids and I took the sister missionaries to fern canyon, it was sister Buckner's last P day.

We've had fun with school projects

Brad bought the kids candy and then made them work to get it, no chairs or stools were allowed!