September 17, 2009

More Sewing and Memories

So I finished this purple shirt today while Ruth was napping. I'm so happy with it! I had "finished" it several weeks ago, but did a very poor job on the neckline, there was a stupid belt and weird buttons on it that I didn't like and it just didn't look right. So I took off the buttons and belt, added the cowl-ish neck and made a cool hood to go on the back. I also finished this quilt square today. I was mostly done so I just had to put all the big pieces together. It's a 20 inch square.

I've been thinking about babies a lot recently, and it reminded me of when my little brother was born. I have 4 distinct memories which I'm pretty sure are all related to Matt's birth. First of all I was 3 1/2 when he was born. The first memory is of my mom getting ready to go to the hospital. I remember standing in her room and bathroom as she she carried her duffel bag around packing it with stuff; I couldn't figure out why she was packing to leave. The next thing I remember is the night we went rushing to the hospital. I remember it was really dark outside. My dad carried me and my blanket into the car. I remember seeing Joey sitting in the car already and wondering how long he'd been there. I don't remember going to the hospital, probably because we were taken to somebody's house...and I probably fell right asleep once in the car. Then I remember what was probably the next day. I remember driving to the hospital on the freeway, which was exciting. It was really bright outside and I remember seeing rows, and rows of of palm trees as we were coming up to the hospital. I also remember that my dad and I had this conversation about what sex the baby would be. I remember telling him that I really wanted it to be a girl. I was terribly disappointed. (Love you Matt) I remember being in the hospital and seeing a big clear tent over a bed. Matthew was suppose to be inside. I don't remember seeing him, just the tent. (He had really bad asthma and had to spend several weeks in an oxidized tent to help him survive.) One last memory concerning Matt. I remember his first birthday. I was 4 1/2. I remember there were several people at our house. I remember he took some of his first steps. Everyone watched him as he wobbled across the living room and they all oohed and ahhed. I was so annoyed because no one was giving me any attention...and I was way better at walking than him!