October 18, 2012

October Activities

Family pictures in the backyard, GO BYU!

Conference weekend brought homemade cinnamon rolls...
 and lounging

FHE brought more baking
 and messy decorating

Claire's Blessing Pics

All photos thanks to my dad, stevelentsphotography

October 4, 2012

Hey, It's Okay

It's okay that my right bicep has been killing me for two days because I played tennis on the Wii. Good exercise!

It's okay that Will pooped all over the bathroom last night (floor, all over the toilet seat, on the side of his potty, and on the rug), at least it wasn't on my carpet...again.

It's okay that Will is obsessed with sugar, it's a great incentive to get him to eat vegetables...and poop IN the potty.

It's okay I hate our dog, when Armageddon comes I'll have something to eat!

It's okay Ruth loves to blare music and dance around, she's not going to be a party girl, she's going to be an Olympic gymnast, right?

October 1, 2012


Hooray, the holiday season is upon us! Here are some of the crafts the kids and I worked on today to get our house Halloween ready. It was so much fun!!!
 For both of these I used black frames that were already hanging in our livingroom and put Halloweeny things in them. I just used construction paper, scissors and a glue stick. To see my other Halloween decorations click here.

 And here are the kid crafts. The ghost is from "Ghost Gets Dressed"

In other news, Claire is officially ours as of today, HOORAY! Also, Will is potty trained, and it only took 3 solid weeks. YES! Pooping is still 50/50, and I'm sure we'll have digressions like we did with Ruth, but I'm considering him done! Hahaha! Life is good.