October 18, 2016

Fall Activities and Fruit on a Stick

 This is Claire on a day out to work with Daddy. And this is William loving his hand-me-down blazer.

Good looking children we found searching for frogs at the botanical gardens.

 Last week my sweet friend, Carla, took the kids all day long. She took them to Geography club in town and then took them to the library where they were carving pumpkins. It was such a wonderful and needed break.

 I ran the "Ditch Witch, La Llarona" 5k on the Bosque. It was a really rough trail that felt like running on a beach, so my time was not great, 42:15. I was disappointed with that, but glad I had the time to run this race and am looking forward to the Blacklight run in November.

In the last seven days we have made two treats on a stick. The first was "caramel apples" and tonight the girls and I made fruit kebabs drizzled in chocolate, vanilla chips and salted caramel chips YUM! 

1 comment:

Stephanie Dirks said...

Treats on a stick looks like a FUN thing to have!!! I may have to steal this idea from you for our FHE treat (and activity) next week! Great time on your run!! You may have been disappointed, but just know that I would have taken like 56 minutes, so you did way better than even my best time:)