May 18, 2014

Will's 4th Birthday

We had a pretty normal day for Will's birthday filled with our usual activities and fun. Once Brad got home we unveiled the birthday cake...which was a total flop. He had no idea what it was until someone told him. Needless to say I was a bit disappointed. But it tasted yummy: strawberry poke cake with a layer of strawberry ice cream in between.

Prior to the actual cake eating we had his requested dinner of chicken cordon blue and tater tots.

After dinner and cake we turned on Star Wars 4, which everybody loved. Then we had a big camp out in the living room. Will fell asleep before the movie was even over! The next day we left for our Central Washington Trip.

Special Things About Will: His current favorite toys are super heroes, especially Iron Man and Hulk. Will has gotten really strong, mostly thanks to his gymnastics class and all the playgrounds we visit. He is still a really sweet guy who is sensitive and very thoughtful of others. He is still a little wary of trying new things and is cautious about dangerous situations, but is much more brave than he used to be. He also still loves strong flavors like vinegar dressings and feta. Whenever we go to a restaurant he loves to order salad. And of course his love for sugar is unabated, this kid will do almost anything to get a piece of candy in his mouth.

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