March 7, 2014

Week in Review

Fists of Justice! This is their new favorite dress-up item

We repeated super hero week, but combined it with flags. We had fun. Here the kids are creating super hero families. The super hero body says "all" or "et" or "at." Then the different heads have consonants. Will did great and totally was able to make words.
  Ruth used "S" and "M" on the "all" body to make the word "small," which I was super impressed by.

We made a super hero hideout.

We talked about super hero symbols, matched the symbol to the hero, and then matched the flags (symbols of countries) to the country. It was fun and we learned what symbols are.

Painting with marbles and gravity.

Keeping the monster happy by feeding him letter sounds. 

Sending pom poms down the tubes and trying to make it into the bucket at the end. The pom poms were also fun to shove down each others shirts!

I've been making quiet books for the kids. I made one for Claire and then Ruth and Will wanted one too. Here's the big kid one. I used a bunch of Will's old T's.
 This is the favorite page in their book. Everything is velcro

This is Claire's book, she loves to say, "buckle."
 These are the favorite pages in her book: zippered froggy mouth, peek-a-boo panda, and the rainbow with velcro clouds.

Obstacle course!

 Today the kids and I did a 5k. Ruth started out on her scooter, but half way through she stuck it in the bottom of the stroller and just ran. She decided she wants to be an Olympic runner...either way it's great that she loves exercise! Will did a much better job keeping up with the stroller, although this picture was taken at the end and he was pretty tired.

 After dinner, Brad jumped in the car and took us to a new ice cream place. They had wild flavors (and colors) for the kids, and our shakes were awesome.

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