September 8, 2013

This week

This week we started school. We decided to jump in with the letter F. Our school day consists of about 15 minutes of circle time where we sing primary songs, say a prayer, hear a bible story that's based around our letter of the week, practice an article of faith and learn a new primary song. We do that after we get up, eat, and do some tidying. Then in the afternoon, while Claire naps, we do an activity based around our letter of the week and bible story:
This day was letter "F" for fiery furnace! We talked about Shadrack, Meshack, and Abindago, and then our activity was putting plates in our own "fiery furnace" (the oven) and then melting crayons on them. Will practiced his "F" writing, Ruth drew a picture of the 3 guys and the angel.

One day this week Ruth read a book about mud pies...and then it just happened to rain.

This day "F" was for "flood." Using chalk, Ruth wrote the word flood and Will practiced writing "F's" and then we took the hose and "flooded" the chalk away. Also very fun.

We've also spent tons of time at the park since it hasn't been too hot. Claire has become an original monkey and has had a blast climbing all over the park and trying to keep up with the big'uns. Ruth has also mastered the monkey bars, which has been a really fun process to watch. And Will is becoming more brave, and being more willing to try things that make him nervous.

And I have been starting Halloween costumes. Ruth is going to be a mermaid and Will was going to be a robot, but this King's robe turned out so well, he may end up being a king instead. I just wanted to throw together something fun for Will to dress up in since we were going to the fabric store for mermaid stuff. You can't tell, but it has a really big gold button as a clasp and shiny, gold braid down the sides. He loves it, and wanted to sleep in it tonight.

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