February 27, 2011


Will has been pulling himself up on everything he can get his hands on:
He's also been getting two teeth, but it hasn't been as painful for anyone as the last two teeth.

We made a surprise trip to Oregon and spent the week hanging out with my parents, Megan, Brynn and Joe. We ate at a couple yummy restaurants and had fun not being at home. I've been working out really hard and am down to 176.


Paula Laws said...

Wow! where do I start. The picture of William gave me warm fuzzies all over while meanwhile my mouth is dropping open looking at you. YOU LOOK FANTASTIC...GO KATIE! I don't need to say "Go Will" he'll be doing that before I finish writing these comments. Will is on the run. All that exercise will help you keep up with those two cuties. Love Paula

Kristen said...

You look fantabuloso! GO KATIE!!!!!!!

Shaunel said...

I'd like to ditto the other comments. You look great, and Will's hair is too much. LOVE it.