January 18, 2010

It's A...

BOY! Now I've got to go shopping, darn!

UPDATE (approximately two hours later):
Went shopping :D. We got 21 items for $25 including jeans, a hoodie, tons of manly onesies and cozy jammers! Gotta love the used kids store! With those items plus the yellow, green and white neutral onesies we have from Ruth we've got this little guy well on his way to a comfy wardrobe. I love the little animal pj's and the cassette tape pj's pictured above.

And this is a picture of big sis and her cute new ponytail! Well half ponytail but I absolutely love it!


kami said...

yay! one of each!! :) but yes the having to go shopping part...fun but not great for the pocket book!

Kelsey said...


nison (nic + allison) said...

Congrats! Such cute clothes!

Tiffany said...

Congrats!! And good job on the shopping - sounds like you got some great deals!! Ruth will be such a cute big sister!

Melanye said...

How exciting - congrats! Looks like you found some great stuff - I'm glad Craigslist and used clothing stores have worked for you, it sounds like the way to go! I look forward to seeing your progress getting ready for the little man!

Meg said...

Kate I am so happy for you! You're little girl is adorable! I can't wait to see the little guy. Sounds like you are doing well and are just loving being a mom!